Resolution Natural-Wellness & Concierge Service         Partnered with Spa Angelique and DWF wellness                                                                  Contact: 678-774-9156

Resolution Natural-Wellness & Concierge Service         Partnered with Spa Angelique and DWF wellness                                                                  Contact: 678-774-9156


Knowledge Share

Gut Health

  • The Gut houses approximately 70% of the body’s immune system.
  • About 100 trillion diverse microorganisms live in the Gut.
  • Human genes to organismal genes are about 23 HG to 3000 OG.
  • The organism’s functions influence a person’s fitness, phenotype, and health.
  • The gut-microbes collectively communicate with the brian influencing protein metabolism, the nervous system function, and especially mental health. 

Key takeaways - It has been found  that an unhealthy gut influences many autoimmune and chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Treat your gut well with proper nutrition for optimal health outcomes.

To Weight Loss Shot or Not

The Risks and Benefits of New Weight Loss Shots and the Role of Hormones in Weight Gain

Weight loss shots, also known as injection therapies, have become a popular trend in the weight loss industry. Some of the well-known names are Ozempic, or Wegovy These injections are designed to help people lose weight by suppressing appetite and boosting metabolism via the brain and small intestine. While weight loss shots may seem like a quick and easy solution to weight loss, there are risks and benefits to consider. Additionally, the role of hormones in weight gain must be considered.

Benefits of Weight Loss Shots:

Weight loss shots may offer several benefits for people struggling to lose weight. Especially those with chronic illness that are associated with obesity. The expected successful weight loss is anywhere between 5 - 15% depending on the drug. Some of the potential benefits include:

Appetite suppression: Weight loss shots can help to suppress appetite, making it easier to stick to a lifestyle diet change.

Increased metabolism: Weight loss shots can also help to increase metabolism, which can lead to more calories burned throughout the day.

Convenience: Unlike some weight loss interventions, weight loss shots are relatively easy and convenient to administer.

Risks of Weight Loss Shots:

While weight loss shots may offer benefits, there are also risks to consider. 

Potential risks include:

Side effects: Weight loss shots can cause side effects such as nausea, headache, constipation, and diarrhea. Reduce gut motility.

Cost: Weight loss shots can be expensive and may not be covered by insurance.

Plateau: In trail patience, weight plateaued at 60 to 68 weeks of semaglutide use (2).

Lack of long-term effectiveness: There is limited research on the long-term effectiveness of weight loss shots, and it is unclear whether they can lead to sustainable weight loss.

Weight gain can be attributed to many factors, such as poor nutrition, chronic illnesses, decreased activity, excessive caloric intake, and hormone imbalance to name a few.

The Role  Hormones in Weight Gain:

Hormones play an important role in regulating weight gain and loss. Hormonal imbalances can lead to weight gain, especially in women. Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism can cause hormonal imbalances that contribute to weight gain. Treating these conditions can help to restore hormonal balance and promote weight loss.

Conclusion: The Importance of Diet and Exercise

While weight loss shots may seem like a tempting solution to weight loss, it is important to consider the risks and benefits carefully. Ultimately, the best way to achieve sustainable weight loss is through a combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise. The CDC recommends 1 to 2 pounds per week to be the most successfully sustainable weight loss.  Most importantly, a balanced, calorie-controlled diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, along with regular physical activity, can help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight over the long-term. Additionally, it is important to consider the role of hormones in weight gain and to address any underlying hormonal imbalances that may be contributing to weight gain. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian can be helpful in developing a personalized weight loss plan that is safe, effective, and takes into consideration the role of hormones in weight gain. At Resolution Natural-Wellness we offer both saliva and urine hormone testing for both men and women.


CDC. (2023). Losing weight. Retrieved from

Rubino, D., Abrahamsson, N., Davies, M., Hesse, D., Greenway, F. L., Jensen, C., Lingvay, I., Mosenzon, O., Rosenstock, J., Rubio, M. A., Rudofsky, G., Tadayon, S., Wadden, T. A., Dicker, D., & STEP 4 Investigators (2021). Effect of Continued Weekly Subcutaneous Semaglutide vs Placebo on Weight Loss Maintenance in Adults With Overweight or Obesity: The STEP 4 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA, 325(14), 1414–1425.

Vitamin D, Covid-19, & More

       Vitamin D plays a role in both natural and acquired immunity. In addition, helps regulate calcium and phosphorus for bones and muscles and is indirectly involved in many other functions of the body. Vitamin D is actually a hormone not a vitamin but is fat soluble meaning stored in the fat and better process with good fat containing foods. Vitamin D is limited in food sources and is mostly obtained through the sun. It is recommended, because of our limited outside lifestyle, that supplementation can be used after a blood test to evaluate your active level. 

Vitamin D External Pathway: Sun (ultraviolet B) > Skin (D2) > Liver (inactive D) > Kidney (active D) or Ingested vitamin D (processed in the small intestines) is absorbed through our lymph system then to the venous blood (1).

Things that affect vitamin D levels: Sun exposure, skin color, fat tissue, kidney health, liver health, G.I. changes (gastric bypass), or age. 

Vitamin D deficiency is common and can be associated with many problems:

Weight gain, wakefulness (Sleep), depression, cardiovascular, autoimmune disease, and some cancers to name a few. 

In a systematic review, it was found that persons with low vitamin D levels were at higher risk for COVID-19 infections (2).


(1). Nair R, Maseeh A. Vitamin D: The "sunshine" vitamin. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2012 Apr;3(2):118-26. doi: 10.4103/0976-500X.95506. PMID: 22629085; PMCID: PMC3356951.

(2). Teshome A, Adane A, Girma B, Mekonnen ZA. The Impact of Vitamin D Level on COVID-19 Infection: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Public Health. 2021 Mar 5;9:624559. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.624559. PMID: 33748066; PMCID: PMC7973108.

Herbs & Nutrition

Should I include herbs in my diet?

Including macronutrients such as fats, carbohydrates, and proteins seems to require little effort. But finding the right combination for proper nutrition can be challenging. Did you know micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals not only can be obtained through fruits and vegetables but  also herbs and spices. 

Herbs and spices are shown to not only assist with micro-nutrients but have healing properties. Some examples include but are not all inclusive:

  • TurmericAnti-inflammatory and depression. It contains flavonoids, iron, niacin, potassium, and zinc
  • Basil - Antioxidant an anti-inflammatory. It contains vitamin A, K, calcium, iron, and manganese.
  • Black pepper - Helps mediate the absorption of iron and beta-carotene 
  • Cinnamon  -  Lowers blood sugar. It contains iron, calcium, and magnesium.

Caution: Like all good things an excessive amount of any food, herbs, or spices can have alternate side-effects. It is important to use caution and seek out a healthcare provider for further advice.

Eat the Rainbow

Why and what is eating the rainbow? 

It’s simply eating a variety of whole fruits and whole vegetables ranging in all colors from purple cabbage to a yellow pair. 

  • The human gut microbiome requires a variety of nutrients to function properly. Including various fruits, vegetables, proteins, nuts, herbs, spices, and grains that help maintain the metabolizing process needed for a properly functioning body. 
  • A varying diet will ensure the body receives adequate amounts of fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium, folate, iron, and vitamins A and C to name a few. 
  • Many people assume a diet of vegetables and fruit alone can cause a lack or excess of one or more macro-nutrients such as proteins; however, this is completely untrue.
  • Different vegetables and fruits vary in the quantity of macronutrients and micronutrients but they all have their role in building the body’s health.

Pill Mill

    Some older adults refer to a “pill mill” as a place where people receive pills but no cure. The words alone remit a cadence of repetitive hopelessness. One may ask, how can Americans have so much freedom but somehow missed the bus for top-tier healthcare. Unfortunately, it’s quite complicated and hovers around pharmaceuticals, finances, and industry.


People have to get past expecting a quick fix, surgery, or pill to miraculously put everything back in place. In the past, practitioners have been reluctant to focus on diet and nutrition possibly due to lack of formal nutritional training or concern about patient willingness to make changes. Patients can no longer depend on the healthcare system to be solely responsible for their health and well-being. It is imperative that people become knowledgeable and involved past just being obedient in taking medication. In the recent pandemic, the key takeaways were chronic illness of obesity and hypertension had some of the highest death rates from Covid. Companies raced to produce vaccinations and treatment for Covid; however, no campaigns or laws were made to reduce the obesity, diabetes, or hypertension epidemic. To put things in perspective of pills and shots versus diet and nutrition - Obesity affects 19% of children and 42% of adults; Moreover, obesity costs the US health care system $147 billion a year (CDC, 2021).

The answer is …

It is obvious that pills and shots alone are not the answer. Conventional medicine should be used where it is appropriate and temporary if possible.  Unfortunately, the temporary status is clearly seen when medication is stopped such as blood pressure medication or blood sugar medication, levels skyrocket to a new normal high. Good news! We are not hopeless and there are answers. The bigger question is are we willing as individuals to take actionable steps for change. Health without a doubt, starts at home with proper nutrition, stress-reduction, and exercise. Even the person that has already been diagnosed with a chronic illness still can achieve better health outcomes and less pills.

Resistant Hypertension

According to the American heart Association (2018), persons are considered to have resistant hypertension when they have the following: 

    1. Hypertension despite the concurrent use of 3 antihypertensive drug classes.
    2. The three or more medications are administered at maximum or maximally tolerated daily doses.
    3. Patients meeting goal blood pressure parameters on 4 or more medications are considered to have resistant hypertension.
    4. “White coat” phenomenon has been excluded by monitoring home blood pressures that are above goal.
    5. Sleep Apnea - Increases stress hormones due to oxygen starvation causing high blood throughout the day.

Healthcare providers response: 

    • Identify contributing lifestyle factors (nutrition, alcohol, smoking)
    • Detect other drugs that may interfere with blood pressure medication.
    • Causes of secondary hypertension (sleep apnea and endocrine problems)
    • Assessment organ damage (kidney failure, heart failure).

The examples listed in () are not all inclusive.

What should you do:

    1. Limit Salt to 2000-2400 mg daily (FYI:1 serving of spaghetti sauce 500 mg)
    2. Achieve 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep 
    3. Weight loss: At least 5-7 % of current weight to start
    4. Exercise: 150 minutes per week for adults
    5. Lifestyle diet: Whole food plant-based (WFPBD), mediterranean diet, Dash diet (Remove saturated fats, Hidden salt, boxed/canned items)


  • Hypertension: Blood pressure greater than 130/80.
  • Antihypertensive: Against or a lowering high blood pressure.  
  • Antihypertensive drug classes: Calcium channel blocker (“pine”), angiotensin-renin blocker (“artans”) or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (“pril”) or angiotensin receptor blocker), and a diuretic (“Water-pill”). 

A Health coach can assist you with meeting these achievable lifestyle changes and getting your blood pressure to goal. Even in people diagnosed with secondary causes of hypertension can better their outcomes with the strategic plan.

Reduce the Stress

Looking to embrace a happier, more organized life with reduced stress? You're in the right place! Check out these tips to enhance your mental and emotional well-being:

Organize Your Space: Create a system of organization to boost mental clarity. Studies highlight that a clutter-free environment positively impacts your overall well-being. Establishing planning habits helps shift behaviors, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Declutter Unnecessary Items: Let go of unnecessary possessions. Often, we hold onto objects to preserve memories, but true retention lies in experiences and emotional responses. Parting with old belongings can foster a positive outlook and significantly reduce stress.

Practice Forgiveness: Forgive those who have wronged you. Although challenging, forgiveness is a crucial step in stress reduction and preventing chronic illness. Holding onto anger and resentment can lead to the build-up of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, negatively affecting your physical health.

Embrace Laughter: Laughing is a powerful stress-reducer. It not only brings joy to your spirit but also releases endorphins, promoting relaxation and relieving muscle tension.

Evaluate Relationships: Identify toxic relationships and set boundaries. Your mental and physical health should not be compromised for the sake of a friendship or family tie. It's crucial to distance yourself from negative influences.

Incorporate Meditation or Prayer: Integrate meditation or prayer into your daily routine. Research shows that these practices effectively reduce stress, pain, and anxiety. If you're unsure where to start, check out the link below for helpful tips.

Don't let stress dominate your life. Take proactive steps today and embark on a journey towards a happier, more balanced lifestyle.

Best Diets for Humans: A Guide to Healthy Eating

Introduction: Eating a healthy, balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases. There are several dietary patterns that have been shown to be beneficial for human health. Here's a guide to some of the best diets for humans:

Mediterranean Diet: This diet is based on the traditional eating patterns of people in Mediterranean countries. It emphasizes whole, minimally processed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Healthy fats such as olive oil and fatty fish are also emphasized. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to be beneficial for heart health, brain health, and overall longevity.

DASH Diet: The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is designed to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. It emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products, while limiting sodium and unhealthy fats.

Vegetarian or Plant-based Diet: This diet emphasizes plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, while limiting or eliminating animal products. Vegetarian diets have been shown to be beneficial for heart health, weight management, and overall longevity.

Flexitarian Diet: This is a flexible approach to eating that emphasizes plant-based foods but allows for occasional consumption of animal products. The Flexitarian diet has been shown to be beneficial for weight management and overall health.

Conclusion: Eating a healthy, balanced diet is essential for good health. These dietary patterns provide a framework for healthy eating that can be adapted to meet individual preferences and needs. Consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the best dietary pattern for your individual needs


     Discover the power of your brain's "natural drug" – dopamine. This neurotransmitter plays a crucial role in our daily lives, influencing pleasure, movement, satisfaction, motivation, mood, and memory. While essential for basic life functions, an excess of dopamine-triggering activities can impact mental health.

     Unconscious engagement in repetitive and nonproductive tasks, such as endless social media scrolling, excessive video watching, constant coffee consumption, sugar intake, or overindulgence in seemingly "safe" habits, can have adverse effects. These activities may contribute to decreased concentration, heightened stress levels, attention deficit disorders, and increased procrastination.

     Interested in enhancing concentration, reducing stress, and breaking free from detrimental habits? Consider taking a break from dopamine-promoting activities. For a deeper understanding, check out "Dopamine Detox" by Thibaut Meurisse. It's time to prioritize your mental well-being and cultivate healthier habits.

Resolution Natural-Wellness